Daily Archives: November 15, 2013

Garlic and Hummus

What I did today. Planted garlic. The weather was perfect for it.


I cleaned out a section of my garden. Turned over all the soil and added some conditioning. Put down the weed block, which will also keep the soil warmer, and protect the garlic. Put in 18 cloves of garlic, from the CSA and my stash I planted last year.


The work in progress. I had to go back and clean it up, and water everything, and now I need to clean up the rest of the beds. Prepare them for winter.

As for making hummus, I have been doing reading about various ways to make a very creamy hummus. The secret. Take the skins off the chickpeas.

I used canned chickpeas, but after draining them, I rolled them between my fingers to pull off the outer skins.


Voila! My best pumpkin hummus ever. The recipe.

1 can chickpeas, drained and skin removed
1 roasted butternut squash, scraped out of its skin
4 tsp. tahini
6 cloves roasted garlic (do not use raw)
2 tsp garam masala
1/2 tsp white pepper
1 tsp smoked paprika
2 tsp sriracha
1 tsp salt, or more to taste
Juice from one lemon
Olive oil drizzled in to reach the proper consistency

Everybody into the food processor, except the olive oil, which is added while pulsing. Taste often and adjust seasonings to get what you like. I used about 1/2 cup olive oil this time.

This stuff is so good. Got a kick to it. I keep messing with this recipe and every time, it gets better.

All in all, a good productive Friday.
