Monthly Archives: December 2023

Merry Christmas Y’All!

Almost there. Another Christmas under our belts. It will be a somewhat quiet one, as usual these days without any living parents. It is interesting how we focus on parents and children on the major holidays.

Now, we celebrate quietly. A special meal. An old wine. A visit to some close friends’ for their annual open house.

We haven’t had a tree for years . This year we changed that.

Frank’s Produce and Greenhouses to the rescue with a lovely smallish Frazier Fir.

They also were the source of fresh pecans in the shell.

I cracked open pounds of pecans and have been making cookies for the past three days.

One more tradition resurrected for the holidays. Real simple eggnog.

Three ingredients. Brandy from a favorite California winery. Egg nog from a PA local dairy. Add a little nutmeg and that’s it.

Sitting here watching football and sipping eggnog. A quiet simple Christmas Eve.