Daily Archives: November 5, 2012

Life Without Heat

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My heart goes out to all who were displaced and devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Life without power and heat really is awful. I watch the news and think how hard it is to live with no light and no heat.

We don’t have heat on our first floor due to a compressor failure, so I can only imagine what the people living north of us are going through. To us, it is an inconvenience, a nuisance but not life threatening. At least we have heat on the second floor because we have two heat pumps.

!!@@@$$$!! heat pump!

Still, getting up in the morning and coming downstairs to temps in the high 50s the past two days is not fun. We at least can turn on the emergency heat, that red light that means if you go out and watch the electric meter, you can get dizzy watching it spin. I told my husband it might be cheaper to burn dollar bills than turn on emergency heat. We only put it on for ten minutes in the morning and 5 minutes before dinner.

Otherwise, three or four layers of clothing and retiring to our bedroom after dinner to read or watch TV.

Our compressor was probably damaged after the derecho, as we replaced a capacitor soon after it. Two months later the entire unit died. An eight year old heat pump. They say nothing stops a Trane. Don’t believe them. It is taking a week for the new compressor to come in. We have been without heat other than emergency for ten days now.

Tonight it will go down to 28 degrees out here. Who knows how cold it will be on our first floor when we get up.

That is why today I put together a huge bag of gloves, scarves, sweaters and socks and took it to a clothing collection box. Those who have no power from the hurricane living north of here don’t have the luxury of heat on another floor, or that super expensive option of emergency heat.

I feel for them, big time. Keep them in your thoughts and find places to take some warm clothes and blankets. While at Walgreens today I saw they have a collection box. Every little bit helps.


November Events at the Conservancy

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Two upcoming events take place in the next few weeks at the Howard County Conservancy. Both of them are popular topics and are worth checking out.

The first one is this Saturday, the 10th. With winter coming, our winged friends need a little help being fed. A “wonder walK” from 10-12 Saturday morning will focus on how to make simple items to keep your neighborhood birds, and probably also the squirrels, happy. There will be a short presentation outside if the weather cooperates, or inside, if not, focusing on the birds that generally stay in Howard County in the winter, and what they like to eat.

There will also be the opportunity for attendees to make at least one “menu item” to take home or to hang out on the conservancy grounds, for the birds to enjoy. Plus, learn some tips to keep birds coming to your house all winter, including attracting bluebirds. The wonder walks are always free.

Another amazing presentation by the popular nature photographer, George Grall. NOV 16 – Fri. 7 pm – Revisiting Spring Pools: The Amphibian Awakening and More. His programs have completely sold out in the past, as his photography is awesome. Featured often in National Geographic, he has been writing articles and providing photos to the Society since 1990. Newsweek, Smithsonian, Life, Nature Conservancy, Audubon, International Wildlife, National Wildlife, GEO, Le Figaro, and a host of other international publications have also honored his work.

The George Grall program is one of those “don’t miss” evenings. Put it on your calendar. The admission is $10 in advance and $12 at the door, if there is any space left. Children under 8 are free.
